Debi Pearl talks about her newest book on ‘The Balancing Act’
Sara Sue Learns To Yell & Tell is finally available for sale! This is the second book in my Yell and Tell series for children. On March 1st, 2nd and 3rd we’ve scheduled a BIG promotion for sales on Amazon. If you don’t already have your copy, you’ll want to get yours on one of those three days.
You may be wondering why would I write a book for children about how to avoid sexual predators? Am I trying to rob children of their innocence or encourage parents to fear? No. I want children to have the opportunity to be children and enjoy their childhoods. If we are going to let them grow without becoming victims, we need to understand the dangers that are out there and be prepared to deal with them.
Predators are a fact of life in today’s society.
My chickens are a good example of this. I wanted to raise free-ranging hens, but where I live, that can be a problem. There are lots of wild critters that would love to have a free-ranging chicken dinner. I wanted live chickens, not a crime scene littered with feathers! To have success raising chickens, I had to understand the predators that would snatch them.
Mike built a wonderful chicken house to provide them with a safe and cozy roosting spot. During the day, the hens are free to roam and enjoy the sunshine. When the sun begins to set, the hens find their way back to their wonderful chicken house where I shut them in for the night. I’ve learned that chicken thieves don’t want to be bothered with alert chickens or protective owners. Sure enough, at least once a week, we find where something has tried to break through the fence to the chicken pen, but nothing can get into Mike’s well-built chicken coop. My hens and I aren’t afraid because we are prepared. The result is that I have a wonderfully productive flock.
That’s how parents and children should be – prepared and unavailable to predators. Then we can all sleep better!
It is stunning to realize the number of children that are molested in this country. Even worse is knowing that molestation of children almost always occurs on an ongoing basis. This means that children are abused for years and no one ever knows it! The type of person that would do this is often a close family member or trusted friend. Pornography, seductively dressed women, and suggestive images only seem to feed this predatory behavior. According to researchers, on a given Friday night, every third rape that occurs is perpetrated on a child under 12 years old. This means that predators are becoming aroused and then acting it out on children. The prostitution of children is a business which is growing faster than illegal drug sales!
I tell you all of this because I think that we are in a very different world than the one I knew growing up as a child. Things that were shocking and unacceptable are now common. Predators have become cunning and they look for gullible children that are easily led, knowing that adults are easily distracted. That’s why it is so important for us to prepare our children to know how to respond when that man who hides so well from adults approaches and demonstrates his interest in a child.
Parents need not be fearful, but they do need to be alert, guarded and informed so that their children will not be vulnerable. Evil doers should be afraid to touch a child of a believer because those little ones should have a reputation for YELLING AND TELLING and telling again and again until someone listens and puts a stop to their perversion.
Children who are prepared are usually spared. You won’t be caught by surprise if you are aware of the danger. Parents need to think and make wise decisions — not just live in fear. Have a realistic view of today’s world and teach your children how to not look like easy prey.
That’s why I wrote Sara Sue Learns To Yell & Tell. It’s just one more tool to help parents prepare their children to know what to do if someone approaches them.
Don’t miss your chance to enjoy BIG savings with my latest book about a little girl with an important message: Sara Sue Learns To Yell And Tell! Sara Sue has a message to tell other little girls. Follow her and her little sister Pearlie through the pages as they learn ways to steer clear of danger and raise a ruckus when they see certain behaviors. It’s a great way for mamas and little ones to begin talking about ways to stay safe and always YELL AND TELL!
March 1st, 2nd, and 3rd purchase your copy from Amazon.com and get coupon codes for all sorts of discounts and offers.